Inteligência artificial 

Aumento da produtividade. Catalisador de inovação. Colaborador criativo. Seja qual for a sua visão de IA, a Unisys fornece as soluções, a experiência e as ferramentas para realizar todo o potencial de negócios da sua organização.

Otimização de logística

Mantenha a carga em movimento — apesar das interrupções. Descubra como os modelos de IA com patente pendente que usam dados em tempo real podem economizar tempo e aumentar a receita ao melhorar a utilização da capacidade, o planejamento de rotas e o gerenciamento de inventário.


A natureza do trabalho está mudando. Vamos desenvolver seu negócio juntos. Prepare sua organização para o futuro com os serviços de consultoria da Unisys e avance como uma entidade digital em primeiro lugar.


Seu setor é vertical. Você vê o caminho com clareza. Vamos unir forças e transformar essa visão em realidade. A Unisys traz o know-how tecnológico para complementar sua profunda experiência.

Histórias de clientes

Explore vídeos e histórias em que a Unisys ajudou empresas e governos a melhorar a vida de seus clientes e cidadãos.


Embarque em uma jornada rumo a um futuro resiliente com acesso às abrangentes pesquisas da Unisys, desenvolvidas em colaboração com os principais analistas e empresas de pesquisa do setor.

Centro de Recursos

Encontre, compartilhe e explore ativos para apoiar seus principais objetivos operacionais.


Curiosidade, criatividade e um desejo constante de melhorar. Nossos associados moldam o amanhã indo além do conhecimento especializado para dar vida a soluções.

Relações com investidores

Somos uma empresa global de soluções tecnológicas dedicada a impulsionar o progresso das principais organizações do mundo.


Nós colaboramos com um ecossistema de parceiros para fornecer aos nossos clientes produtos e serviços de ponta em muitas das maiores indústrias do mundo.

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Unisys Named a Global Leader in 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work Services Report

Unisys awarded with 30 leader designations across six regions, excelling in providing tools for collaboration, productivity, strategy and sustainability

BLUE BELL, Pa., October 23, 2024Unisys (NYSE: UIS) has been named a leader in all quadrants by Information Services Group (ISG) in its 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work Services Report. ISG awarded Unisys 30 leader designations across six regions — including the U.S., U.S. Public Sector, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland and the U.K. The company was also named a leader in two new quadrants added to the report this year: Workplace Strategy and Enablement Services and Smart and Sustainable Workplace Services.

ISG defines leaders as companies with a comprehensive product and service offering, innovative strength, a strong market presence and competitive strategies that position them to win business. This is the fifth year ISG has named Unisys a leader in its report.

“Unisys is honored to be recognized continually by ISG for our leadership in providing cutting-edge solutions that help companies compete in today’s global market,” said Patrycja Sobera, senior vice president and general manager of Digital Workplace Solutions at Unisys. “In an ever-changing and dynamic workplace, we focus on delivering innovative and dependable services for our clients that drive growth and collaboration worldwide.”

Unisys received leader designations in all seven quadrants, spanning six regions:

  • Collaboration and Next-Gen Experience Services in the U.S., U.S. Public Sector, U.K., Australia, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland for its capabilities in improving end-to-end customer experience and employee experience, offering value-added managed services, enabling workplace technology ecosystems and enhancing end-user experiences
  • Continuous Productivity Services (including Next-Gen Service Desk) in the U.S., U.S. Public Sector, U.K, Australia, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland for its ability to support the continuous productivity needs of next-generation workplaces, physical workplaces and fully integrated hybrid working patterns. Unisys achieves this through advanced technology that offers omnichannel support, detailed analytics and AI insights and orchestration for an exceptional end-user experience.
  • Workplace Strategy and Enablement Services (new quadrant) in the U.S. Public Sector, U.K., Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland and a product challenger in the U.S. Unisys helps clients balance IT environments, business requirements and employee needs to optimize experience, security and sustainability.
  • Managed End-User Technology Services in the U.S. Public Sector, Australia, Brazil, Germany and Switzerland. Unisys’ device management and communication services are integrated with its experience management services to provide a seamless and modern workplace experience.
  • Managed End-User Technology Services – Large Account in the U.S. and the U.K. because of Unisys’ ability to provide core services with a strong focus on consulting, security and co-development with technology partners
  • Managed End-User Technology Services – Local Specialists in the U.S. based on success in managing end-user computing estate for local and midmarket clients. ISG noted that Unisys provides dedicated device lifecycle management services powered by analytics and insights based on usage, persona and location.
  • Smart and Sustainable Workplace Services (new quadrant) in the U.S., U.S. Public Sector and Australia, and a product challenger in Germany, Switzerland and the U.K. ISG cited Unisys’ unified user interfaces, real-time data analysis and IoT data aggregation for sustainability performance.

Click here to learn more about the 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work Services Report.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world’s leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what’s possible for more than 150 years, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

Heather Gries, Unisys, +1 484-319-1404


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