Intelligence artificielle 

Accélérateur de productivité. Catalyseur d’innovation. Collaborateur créatif. Quelle que soit votre vision de l’IA, Unisys fournit les solutions, l’expertise et les outils pour réaliser le plein potentiel commercial de votre entreprise.

Optimisation logistique

Maintenir les marchandises en mouvement – malgré les perturbations. Découvrez comment les modèles d’IA en attente de brevet utilisant des données en temps réel peuvent faire gagner du temps et augmenter les revenus en améliorant l’utilisation des capacités, la planification des itinéraires et la gestion des stocks.


The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


Votre secteur vous distingue. Vous voyez clairement la route à venir. Rejoignons nos forces et transformons cette vision en réalité. Unisys apporte le savoir-faire technologique pour compléter votre expertise approfondie.

Témoignages clients

Découvrez des vidéos et des témoignages expliquant comment Unisys a aidé les entreprises et les gouvernements à améliorer la vie de leurs clients et de leurs citoyens.


Embarquez vers un avenir résilient grâce à l’accès à la recherche complète d’Unisys, développée en collaboration avec les meilleurs analystes et cabinets de recherche du secteur.

Centre de ressources

Trouvez, partagez et explorez des actifs pour soutenir vos objectifs opérationnels clés.


Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nous sommes une entreprise mondiale de solutions technologiques qui s’engage à stimuler le progrès des plus grandes organisations mondiales.


Nous travaillons avec un réseau de partenaires pour fournir à nos clients des produits et services de pointe dans de nombreux secteurs parmi les plus importants au monde.

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Courses and Descriptions

Introduction to Unisys Enterprise Application Environment for Managers (CEL8001)

Length: 1 day. (Note: A more technically oriented two-day version is also available - CEL8002.)


  • Describe the overall process of designing, building, testing, and deploying conventional and web-based applications using the Enterprise Application Environment (LINC) family.
  • Describe how the Enterprise Application Environment can be applied within a business or government.
  • Describe the benefits of using Enterprise Application Environment for application and system development.

Audience: Candidates for this course include those with responsibilities in technical and enterprise management, who need to understand the Enterprise Application Environment (LINC) and how it is applied to business solutions.

Prerequisites: None

Key Topics:

  • How does the Enterprise Application Environment work?
  • What do you need in order to use the Enterprise Application Environment?
  • Enterprise Application Environment family of products
  • The development process using Enterprise Application Environment
  • Process of maintaining and enhancing applications using Enterprise Application Environment
  • The benefits that Enterprise Application Environment provides

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Introduction to Unisys Enterprise Application Environment (CEL8002)

Length: 2 days. (Note: A management-oriented one-day version is also available - CEL8001.)


  • Describe the process of designing, building, testing, and deploying conventional and web-based applications using the Enterprise Application Environment (LINC) family.
  • Describe how the Enterprise Application Environment can be applied within a business or government.
  • Describe the interaction with the Enterprise Application Environment family of products.
  • Describe the benefits of using Enterprise Application Environment for application and system development.

Audience: Candidates for this course include those who are beginning to develop knowledge of, or skill in using, Enterprise Application Environment (LINC). Other candidates include anyone who must have an understanding of Enterprise Application Environment and how it is applied to business solutions. Especially important are those with responsibilities in technical and enterprise management.

Prerequisites: None

Key Topics:

  • How does the Enterprise Application Environment work?
  • What do you need in order to use the Enterprise Application Environment?
  • Enterprise Application Environment family of products
  • The full development process using Enterprise Application Environment
  • How to maintain and enhance applications using Enterprise Application Environment
  • The benefits that Enterprise Application Environment provides

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Managing Enterprise Application Developer (CEL8006)

Length: 5 days


  • Provide effective systems management and administration for the Enterprise Application Developer (Developer) environment
  • Deepen your knowledge and understanding of Developer and related technologies

Audience: Enterprise Application Environment systems administrators and operations management and other technical staff involved in the set up, deployment, maintenance and administration of the Developer environment.


  • An understanding of the Enterprise Application Environment and Developer at the product level.
  • Basic skills and experience in administering Windows-based systems and networks.

Key Topics:

  • Developer and the Enterprise Application Environment, as well as Graphical Interface Workbench and Component Enabler
  • Installation; Installing Developer and its repositories, Builder, Component Enabler, as well as Version Control
  • Managing the Repository; The Repository, single user or multi-user repositories, loading and extracting .mdl files, backup and recovery
  • Developer Security; Controlling user and functional access
  • Version Control; Includes Change and Release management
  • Generating a System; Interfacing to other systems for Direct Generate
  • Web Enabling; Interfacing to other systems for Web enabling (for example, an overview of and review of requirements for Runtime applications and the Component Enabler)
  • Error Recovery; Understanding and resolving errors.

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