Intelligence artificielle 

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The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


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ISG Recognizes Unisys as Leader in 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Cybersecurity - Solutions and Services Quadrant Reports

Information Services Group (ISG), a global technology research and advisory firm, has recognized Unisys as a strategic security, managed security and technical security services leader in its 2024 Cybersecurity - Solutions and Services quadrant reports.

ISG’s reports assess cybersecurity services and solutions offered by leading providers to help enterprises and public sector institutions defend against increasing sophistication and severity attacks, including those leveraging AI. Unisys has demonstrated its expertise as a leading strategic security services, managed security services - Security Operations Center (SOC) and technical security services provider in the U.S. and U.S. public sectors.

In the U.S. quadrant report, ISG notes that Unisys helps clients enhance their cybersecurity posture by offering insight into network assets and users, identifying cybersecurity responsibilities for each role in the organization, responding to ransomware attempts, assessing overall exposure to compliance risk and reputational damage and designing a zero-trust security strategy. ISG also cited Unisys’ strong emphasis on threat intelligence, advanced security analytics, and the tailored approach to vulnerability management, which combines cutting-edge technology with expert human intelligence.

“Unisys delivers strategic security services offerings with a zero trust security approach and focuses on meeting future client requirements and providing them with immediate benefits of cyber resiliency through its specific capabilities in incident response and backup services,” said Gowtham Kumar Sampath, Senior Manager, ISG Provider Lens™.

Unisys stood out in the U.S. public sector report for its strong market presence and the ability to consistently deliver services that meet clients’ goals and business objectives. ISG also lauded the abilities of the Unisys Cyber Recovery Solution, Unisys Attack Surface Discovery Solution and Unisys Digital Identity and Access Management Solution to address critical challenges for public sector agencies.

“Unisys has a clear legacy of providing secure cyber-aligned business outcomes for clients in the U.S. public sector,” said Phil Hassey, Strategic Advisory Analyst, ISG Provider Lens™.