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Unisys Digital Workplace Solutions Receives HDI’s IT Support Center Recertification, Recognizing Continued Excellence in IT Support

Certification highlights the company’s ongoing optimization of IT support and recognizes Unisys as the only globally certified managed service provider

BLUE BELL, Pa., April 17, 2024 – Unisys (NYSE: UIS) has achieved recertification through HDI’s IT Support Center Certification program, demonstrating the company’s commitment to exceeding IT support expectations and achieving biannual recertification. HDI is the leading organization dedicated to elevating technical support and service management across enterprises.

HDI’s Support Center Certification is based on an internationally recognized standard for best practices in IT support and global validation of organizations with support divisions that operate efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention. The audit demonstrated that Unisys provides world-class desk services to its clients and that Unisys customer experience measures are significantly more advanced than those of most organizations.

“I congratulate the entire Unisys team on achieving HDI Support Center Certification for their Global Service Desk,” said Tara Gibb, senior director, HDI. “As an HDI-Certified Support Center, Unisys Global Service Desk is part of an elite circle of support centers dedicated to quality operations, continuous improvement, strategic vision, a positive work environment and high levels of customer service.”

This assessment of Unisys reflects a 15% increase in overall performance and significant strides since the last certification audit in 2021. Key strengths highlighted in the recertification report include adding the Experience Management Office into the overall delivery model, implementing 14 Experience Level Agreements (XLA) in the production environment and focusing on proactive business development predictive experiences. Unisys received high marks for overall leadership, strategy and policy, and people management.

“The recertification represents the continuous work of our team to optimize IT support operations, progress the maturity of our advanced Global Service Desk capability and maintain our commitment to helping our clients achieve breakthroughs with superior IT support,” said Patrycja Sobera, global vice president, Digital Workplace Solutions Delivery, Unisys.

Patrycja Sobera has also been highlighted as one of HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders for 2024, and Unisys has been named a finalist in four key categories of the 2024 HDI Global Service and Support Awards:

  • Best Service and Support Manager
  • Best Service Improvement Initiative
  • Best Customer Experience
  • Best Use of Technology

The HDI Global Service and Support Awards 2024 winners will be revealed at HDI SupportWorld Live in May 2024. In 2023, Unisys was named the winner in the Best Culture and Best Support Organization categories.

To learn more about the company’s global service desk offerings, click here.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world’s leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, data and AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what’s possible for 150 years, visit unisys.com and follow us on LinkedIn.


Heather Gries, Unisys, +1 484-319-1404



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