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Logistics Optimization

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4 Min Read

Heard at Manifest: Top 4 trends for 2024 discussed by freight forwarders

Februar 29, 2024 / Unisys Corporation

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Freight forwarders are prioritizing system integration to streamline operations and enhance efficiency with smoother data flow.
  • The emergence of digital marketplaces facilitates seamless collaboration and empowers freight forwarders with real-time data to optimize booking and routing decisions.
  • Transparency, efficiency and accountability are driving freight forwarders to prioritize track and trace functionalities to ensure product authenticity and quality.
  • Beyond profit margins, freight forwarders are embracing sustainability as a strategic imperative. Prioritizing agility, flexibility and visibility is crucial in responding to inevitable disruptions and reducing emissions.

Supply chains connect continents, and for one week, the industry zeroed in on Las Vegas for Manifest 2024. Amid the glitz and glamour of “the Strip,” the industry’s preeminent trade show unfolded — a stage where innovation met pragmatism, and supply chain visionaries shared insights.

Jeff Smullin, director of emerging solutions, and Boris Maltha, vice president of Enterprise Computing Solutions, were among the Unisys delegates at the show who reported back on the topics that dominated discussions at the conference. Here are the four essential themes they identified as shaping the logistics landscape in 2024.

1. Seamless system integration

Freight forwarders are prioritizing system integration to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Whether dealing with legacy or newer platforms, the goal is seamless communication between systems to facilitate smooth data flow.

2.  Rise of digital marketplaces

With the emergence of digital marketplaces like Unisys Cargo Portal Services™, connectivity is key. These platforms transcend borders, facilitating seamless interaction between freight forwarders and airlines and empowering freight forwarders with real-time data to optimize booking and routing decisions. Digital marketplaces also help automate manual tasks, such as booking cargo shipments, improving employee efficiency.

3.  Increased attention on track and trace

Transparency, efficiency and accountability are driving freight forwarders to prioritize track and trace functionalities. With these capabilities, you can follow a product’s journey from its raw material stage through processing, manufacturing, regulatory control, and finally reaching retailers and consumers — helping to ensure product authenticity and quality.

However, achieving effective track and trace is often challenging due to outdated paper-based processes and disjointed data systems, which slow communication and create visibility gaps. The lack of data compatibility exposes supply chains to inaccurate supply and demand predictions, manual errors, counterfeiting and compliance violations.

4.  Sustainability in the supply chain

Beyond profit margins lies a deeper commitment: sustainability. From emissions during transportation to packaging waste, every link in the supply chain matters, and freight forwarders are prioritizing this strategic imperative.

Freight forwarders should consider prioritizing agility, flexibility and visibility. Why? Because disruptions are inevitable, and sustainability requires nimble responses. For example, digital platforms like Unisys Logistics Optimization™ can help optimize routes, minimize idle times and maximize load capacity. By doing so, they reduce emissions.

Embrace the digital future in your supply chain

The neon lights of Las Vegas may be far in the distance, but an echo from Manifest 2024 still resonates. In 2024, freight forwarders stand at a crossroads where tradition meets transformation.

Explore how you can transform your logistics landscape from legacy systems to digital dreams to make your supply chain resilient, sustainable and future-ready.

Learn more