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Unisys partners with XLA Institute as a Global Founding Member

Service levels tell you if systems work. Experience level agreements tell you if they work for people. Unisys, a global leader in experience management since 2020, is proud to announce a strategic partnership with the XLA Institute. As a Global Founding Member, Unisys will work with the XLA Institute to redefine and advance the standards of Experience-Level Agreements (XLAs) that prioritize employee experience, innovation and business value.  

“Onboarding Unisys as a Founding Member of the XLA Institute brings critical expertise in experience management innovation to our member community. Their leadership will be instrumental in establishing industry standards and providing essential implementation insights. We look forward to collaborating closely with Unisys to create value for the XLA Institute community,” says Arie Langerak, co-founder of XLA Institute. 

The XLA Institute is an independent, collaborative platform for those at the forefront of experience management (XM) and XLA. It unites executives, practitioners, buyers, and suppliers to develop principles, practices and standards related to XM and XLAs. The inclusive approach recognizes that experiences matter across IT, HR and all organizational domains. 

This partnership marks a pivotal step in enabling organizations to drive enhanced collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction while maintaining business efficiency and growth. Together, we're enhancing how modern organizations work in technology-rich environments. 

As part of this partnership, Unisys senior vice president and general manager of Digital Workplace Solutions Patrycja Sobera will serve on the Institute's State of XLA Advisory Board, bringing the company's practical experience in XLA implementation to help shape industry research and standards. 

“We are thrilled to partner with the XLA Institute to share the expertise we’ve developed in experience management over the past five years. Through our partnership and my role on the Institute's State of XLA Advisory Board, we look forward to co-developing future industry standards in this exciting and evolving field,” says Patrycja Sobera, Unisys senior vice president and general manager of Digital Workplace Solutions. 

Since establishing its first Experience Management Office (XMO) in 2020, Unisys has led employee experience innovation. Our global clients benefit from proactive experience management services, supported by advanced XLAs and a “total experience” approach to IT service delivery. This has returned thousands of productive hours to businesses, for example, allowing doctors to spend more time with patients, engineers to reduce time to market for new products, and enabling more flights to depart on time. 

The Unisys XMO delivers measurable outcomes for clients and their employees by focusing on total experience. Through this partnership, Unisys is set to share its industry-leading expertise and insights, working alongside the XLA Institute to establish and evolve industry standards for XLAs. 
The partnership with the XLA Institute reinforces Unisys’ commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration within the industry. By integrating advanced partner technologies and AI-driven insights, Unisys continues to enhance experience management, establishing a foundation where XLAs align with a total experience approach. 

To see how Unisys can help you deliver measurable experiences that drive workplace productivity, visit our website