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Vital Resource Conservation

Energy management

More than 40 years ago, we launched our first company-wide effort to meaningfully reduce energy use. Since then, we’ve continuously lowered our average consumption year-over-year, an activity that contributes directly to lowering GHG emissions.

From 2020 (baseline) to 2023, energy consumption has been reduced by over 40%. This reduction reflects both fuel and electricity consumed in the organization. As part of the reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, the company is migrating from on-premises to co-location data centers that provide improved energy efficiency as well as renewable power options.

Since 2019, our power consumption has been reduced globally by over 47%. In 2023, dedicated physical servers were migrated to virtual servers, which were used to run physical access control for over 50 sites worldwide. This change reduced energy consumption by a total of 15,000 kWh.

Reduced energy consumption from 2019 to 2023

Energy consumption 2023